Keyword: Jakob Schubert

IFSC Lead and Speed ​​World Cup Chamonix | Info & Livestream

The IFSc Lead and Speed ​​World Cup will take place in Chamonix from July 12 to 14, 2024. Here you can find all the important information and the live stream.

The two competition legends Schubert and Garnbret climb to gold in Innsbruck

At the top of the podium: Janja Garnbret and Jakob Schubert win the gold medal at the Lead World Cup in Innsbruck.

IFSC Boulder and Lead Worldcup Innsbruck: Livestream & Info

From June 26 to 30, 2024, the world's best climbers will meet in Innsbruck for the IFSC Boulder and Lead World Cup. We have...

Youngster Sorato Anraku wins ahead of Narasaki and Schubert

The young Japanese Sorato Anraku once again demonstrates his incredible skills at the IFSC Boulder World Cup in Salt Lake City.

Jakob Schubert climbs The Flame (9b) in the Zillertal

Jakob Schubert liberates a tough long-term project by Jorg Verhoeven in the Zillertal. He rates The Flame as a hard 9b.

Jakob Schubert climbs Alphane (9A) | Climbing year of superlatives

Jakob Schubert is the first athlete to master a 9c route and a 9A boulder - within three months!

For once, Schubert upgrades instead of depreciating Clash of the Titans (9b)

Jakob Schubert repeated Clash of the Titans (9a+). Now, after some reflection, he suggests upgrading the route to 9b.

Jakob Schubert: “That was the biggest mental battle of my life”

Jakob Schubert climbed the route Project Big. The route is considered one of the most difficult in the world. We summarize.

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