More and more often in the climbing scene of FrictionLabs to listen. The small company from Denver (Colorado) is mixing up the market with its magnesium. Your announcement: Chalk matters! LACRUX is giving away 40 x 3 portions of the white gold exclusively. Important: Only people residing in Switzerland are eligible to participate.
If you want to climb a Cresciano classic like the Sloppy Traverse in sunshine and a summery, humid climate, you will have to struggle to keep the sloping flop. Everyone agrees that temperature and humidity have a major influence on the friction on the rock. When it comes to magnesium, however, many climbers hardly worry. Wrongly.
Magnesium is not the same as magnesium
The number of magnesium manufacturers is immense, as is the corresponding selection. The magnesium of many low-cost manufacturers contains a high proportion of calcium carbonate (chalk). The Chalk by FrictionLabs, on the other hand, is almost pure magnesium. Accordingly, magnesium can bind more moisture and lubricate less than alternative products.
That promises FrictionLabs
- Better grip
- Less chalk consumption
- Dryer fingers
- Healthier skin
"I first tried FrictionLabs chalk in the US with Dave Graham. I was immetidaly impressed by the consistency and the grip! โ- Giuliano Cameroni
Three varieties for every taste
FrictionLabs has magnesium in different degrees of fineness in the assortment. The white powder is available in the three variants Unicorn Dust (Ultra fine) Gorilla grip (fine) and Bam Bam (small pieces of magnesium). For lovers of liquid chalk there is the so-called Secret stuff.
But enough talk now. We give you the chance to test FrictionLabs Magnesium and give away 40 x 3 white powder packs. We look forward to the feedback from the lucky winners.
Join the FrictionLabs raffle now
We only need the following information to contact you and deliver the three packs to the lucky winners. Your data will not be shared with third parties. Scout's honor!
Terms and Conditions
Participation is until 30. April 2018, 12.00 clock, possible. All persons residing in Switzerland are entitled to participate. This does not apply to employees of the climbing magazine LACRUX, the Gecko Supply GmbH, Bรคchli mountain sports AG and their commissioned companies. Winners will be notified by email. We do not correspond about the tournament. A cash payment is not possible. The legal process is excluded. Participation in the raffle takes place independently of a product order or a purchase. The period of participation in a competition will be announced in connection with the respective competition.
By entering the competition, you are giving the climbing magazine LACRUX permission to contact you by e-mail in the future. Do not worry, we did not spam you. You can always remove yourself from the mailing list with a single click, because we do not want to force you to read our emails. But give us a chance!
Get FrictionLabs-Chalk without detours
You want a portion of FrictionLabs chalk now and today? Unicorn Dust, Gorilla grip and Bam Bam as well as the liquid form Secret stuff sind bei Bรคchli mountain sports online or available in the respective branches.
Credits: Pictures FrictionLabs, Giuliano Cameroni
This article was written in collaboration with the Gecko Supply GmbH and the Bรคchli mountain sports AG.