Jimmy Webb can crimp hard: He sends Lucid Dreaming (8c)

To his own surprise, Jimmy Webb sends the 8c boulder Lucid Dreaming in Bishop, California. The crimpy boulder Lucid Dreaming doesn't suit his style at all.

Jimmy Webb is one of the strongest climbers in the world. Jimmy particularly stands out due to numerous difficult flash ascents. But despite his strength, he also has weaknesses.

“All my life I thought I was bad at groin climbing. I kept telling myself that I was too heavy or simply too weak to give myself everything in this type of climbing. "

Jimmy Webb
Image Mellow

Because of this attitude, Jimmy stayed away from hard crimpy boulders, because he was afraid of failing.

“Sometimes you just want to prove something to yourself. That was the case for me in autumn 2019 when I decided to try Lucid Dreaming in Bishop. "

Jimmy Webb
Image Mellow

Lucid Dreaming, on the boulder Grandpa Peabody, is overhanging and has numerous small scratchy crimps. Jimmy Webb started checking the boulder out without any expectations and started projecting the line. On the ninth day of working on Lucid Dreaming, he successfully climbed the boulder.

“I learned a lot from this experience. The most progress in climbing is when you set yourself goals that you would never think you will achieve. The way is long and exhausting, but you learn a hell of a lot in the process. "

The boulder Lucid Dreaming was first ascended by Paul Robinson in March 2010 and since then has regularly attracted strong climbers. Count among the repeaters are Daniel Woods (2014) Alexander Megos. (2015) , Toro Nakajima (2017) and recently Jimmy Webb (2020)

This video shows Jimmy Webb ascending Lucid Dreaming

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Credits: Cover picture Kevin Takashi Smith


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