Keyword: training Tips


The best triceps exercises by Alex Megos

What's the best way to train your triceps as a climber: Here are the best exercises from climbing professional Alex Megos.

Training despite an annular ligament injury

Ring ligament injury: In this video, Dave MacLeod explains what an adapted training session on the bouldering wall can look like.

5 reasons why strength training is important for climbing

Strength training helps prevent injuries while climbing. But there are even more reasons for weightlifting.

Sideplank Leg Lift: This exercise strengthens the hip muscles Compensatory training

The training experts Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb show you exercises for hip problems. Today: The side plank leg lift.

Climb harder without training harder? Yes!

Can you climb harder without getting stronger? Yes, says training pope Eric Hörst in an interview and reveals how it works.

Golfer's Elbow: This helps with elbow overload | balancing training

Together with the training experts Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb and the climbing doctor Volker Schöffl, we will show you three preventive exercises to prevent symptoms of overload in the shoulder joint and one to "treat" climbing-specific symptoms of overload: the golfer's elbow

Strength endurance: You should avoid these 7 training mistakes

Endurance plays a key role in sport climbing. Accordingly, many athletes base their training plans on it. However, there are some misconceptions that can significantly affect the success of a training season. These are the seven most serious mistakes.

Improve your shoulder stability with the Sword Pull | climbing-specific compensation training

Together with the training experts Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb and the climbing doctor Volker Schöffl, we will show you three preventive exercises to prevent symptoms of overload in the shoulder joint. The first exercise focuses on shoulder stability: the sword pull.



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