Matt Fultz in 8c / + boulder fever: Grand Illusion & Co climbed

The American Matt Fultz is in a complete intoxication frenzy. First he repeated the 8c + Boulder Grand Illusion and then doubled it a few days ago with Creature from the Black Lagoon, also 8c +.

Last year, the American professional climber switched Matt Fultz up a gear at the speed of a difficult boulder. He combines three 8c boulders and one with an 8c + rated boulder in his bouldering tricklist from 2020. In the new year, however, he is picking up the pace and is already presenting the following ascent list in the first half of the year:

In April Matt Fultz put the focus entirely on the boulder Grand illusion. And that although he only wanted to project the boulder to get the necessary fitness for Creature from the Black Lagoon to obtain. But it turned out differently. Grand Illusion fascinated Matt to such an extent that he bit into the line.

It was quite a struggle to get the fitness level for this hybrid of boulder and route. Precision, micro beta and the right speed had to be right.

Matt Fultz on Grand Illusion

On June 21, 2021, the necessary fitness was apparently there and Matt secured only the fourth ascent of the boulder in the Little Cottonwood Canyon near Utah.

After climbing through, I had the feeling that I could climb the boulder a few more times.

Matt Fultz

From 8c + to 8c +

The next success message was not long in coming. Successful 14 days after the successful ascent of Grand Illusion Matt Fultz the ascent of a boulder that he tried for the first time four years ago: Creature from the Black Lagoon (8c +).

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I've been working on this line for about 15 to 20 days for the past four years, realizing I was having a disastrous beta. After I had a different solution and tried a different sequence, the boulder fell a few sessions later.

Matt Fultz on Creature from the Black Lagoon

The Boulder Creature from the Black Lagoon is one of the most popular 8c boulderers in the world, which gives the impression that it is rated too soft. Matt Fultz says that the boulder is much heavier than the 8c's.

Video of the inspection of Creature from the Black Lagoon

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