Keyword: Bon Voyage


Bon Voyage E12 (9a): This is behind Adam Ondra's ascent

With Bon Voyage, Adam Ondra has secured the first repetition of the most difficult trad route in the world. Now there's the video for the broadcast.

Seb Berthe repeats Trad masterpiece Bon Voyage (9a)

Seb Berthe secures the third ascent of Bon Voyage in Annot, probably the most difficult trad route in the world.

Adam Ondra repeats (hardest?) trad climbing route Bon Voyage E12 (9a)

Adam Ondra secures the first repeat of one of the most difficult trad climbing routes: Bon Voyage E12 (9a) near Annot, France.

James Pearson dares to rate E12 for Bon Voyage – Why he exposes himself a second time

After much consideration, James Pearson awards the grade E2 for the second time. Which leads him to make Bon Voyage the hardest trad route.

James Pearson climbs the Bon Voyage trad route - why he doesn't rate it

James Pearson manages the first ascent of his long-standing Trad project in Annot. Bon Voyage is probably one of the toughest trad routes in the world, and it doesn't need to fear comparisons with Tribe or Lexicon.



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