We have compiled a list of the most difficult boulders in the world from 8C+ onwards. There are currently eight 9A boulders: Arrival of the Birds, Spots of Time, L'ombre du voyageur, Alphane, Megatron, Return of the Sleepwalker, Burden of Dreams and Soudain Seul, with Alphane, Burden of Dreams and Return of the Sleepwalker being the only ones to have been repeated and their grade confirmed.
Among the most difficult boulders in the world Arrival of the Birds, Spots of Time, L'ombre du voyageur (9A), alphanes (9A), Megatron (9A) Burden of Dreams (9A), Return of the Sleepwalker (9A) as well Soudain Seul (9A). L'ombre du voyageur, Megatron, Return of the Sleepwalker as well as Arrival of the Birds and Spots of Time have not yet been repeated.
The Boulder Soudain Seul was passed on the first ascent Simon Lorenzi Rated 9A, passed on second ascent Nico Pelorson downgraded to 8C+ and through Camille Coudert rated 9A again on the third ascent.
Shawn Raboutou's Alphane was repeated several times shortly after the first ascent and its grade was confirmed. Burden of Dreams has three repeats, with Will Bosi, Simon Lorenzi and Elias Iagnemme confirming the grade 9A.
Overview: Most difficult boulders from 8C +
The list in the 8C+ area is significantly longer. The following compilation gives an overview of the most difficult boulders in the world from grade 8C+ (V16). The list is continuously updated. Notes on lines missing from the list are welcome and can be communicated in the comments field.
The most difficult boulders in the world | As of 10.07.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
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Credits: Cover picture Blue Kangoo Films
Alphane was climbed on April 6th, not June 4th, just as a minor detail
Will Bosi's Honey Badger 8C+ is still up to date, isn't it?
There is a missing 9a V17, it is called Megatron.