The six young alpinists of the SAC expedition team are preparing for the grand finale of their three-year training: in the summer of 2025, they want to explore the wild, untouched...
Long-time elite squad athletes Katherine Choong and Benjamin Blaser announced their retirement from the national team at the end of the 2021 season. With Ilia Wieland, Fabrice Rohner and Leon Niederberger, three athletes from the junior squad also say goodbye to competitive sport.
At the Swiss Bouldering Championships last weekend in Pratteln, the two elite athletes Petra Klingler and Dimitri Vogt prevailed and climbed to the top of the podium. In the U18 category, the 2021 Swiss bouldering champions are Lena Schenkel and Louis Guignard.
In 2020, 3471 people in the Swiss Alps and the Jura were in an emergency and had to be rescued or rescued by mountain rescue - more than in any previous year. 112 people had fatal accidents in classic mountain sports.