Keyword: Era Vella

Leo Cea (11) climbs his third 9a route with Era Vella

Leo Cea recently scored Era Vella (9a) in Margalef. For the 11-year-old climber with German-Chilean roots, it is already the third route in...

Spanish Kinglines repeated

Jorg Verhoeven, Gabriele Moroni and Leo Ketil Bøe repeat classics of the 9th French degree in Siurana, Oliana and Margalef.

Alexander Megos climbs Era Vella (9a) in the second attempt

Alexander Megos makes a detour to Margalef, where he climbed the popular 9a Era Vella on his second attempt. After the early departure of Alexander Megos...

Cédric Lachat climbs after injury break again 9a

The Swiss professional athlete Cédric Lachat climbs one of the most famous 9a in Spain with Era Vella in just six attempts. The inspection is all the more remarkable when...

Anak Verhoeven climbs Sweet Neuf (9a +) in Pierrot Beach

The Belgian Anak Verhoeven communicated a few days ago that she had climbed a 9a + for the first time. That's big news if the grade is confirmed. In front of her...

