Keyword: 9b

Jonathan Siegrist with a tough first ascent: Anemology (9b)

Jonathan Siegrist opens the 9b route: The strong American makes the first ascent of Anemology in the Utah Hills.

Anak Verhoeven climbs 9b | La Planta de Shiva

Anak Verhoeven successfully climbs the 9b route La Planta de Shiva. She is the fourth woman to score a route of this level.

Frenchman Tanguy Merard gives it his all

He's young, he's strong and he climbs whatever stands in his way: French whiz kid Tanguy Merard.

Adam Ondra opens with B je to! (9b) the most difficult route in Croatia

Adam Ondra manages the first free ascent of Route B ever! (9b). It is the most difficult sport climbing route in Croatia.

Cédric Lachat climbs 9b for the first time with Fantasia

At the age of 38, the Swiss professional climber Cédric Lachat managed the most difficult route of his career so far: Fantasia (9b).

9b first ascent again: Seb Bouin climbs Ariégeois Cœur Loyal

Seb Bouin manages the first ascent of the sport climbing route Ariégeois Cœur Loyal at Pic Saint Loup. Bouin gives a rating of 9b.

Seb Bouin is the first to repeat the Ondra route Iron Curtain (9b)

Seb Bouin manages the redpoint ascent of the Iron Curtain route in Flatanger, first climbed by Adam Ondra in 2013. Seb Bouin reports.

First Ascent: Jonathan Siegrist climbs Event Horizon (9b)

Jonathan Siegrist is in the best shape of his life. In the past year alone he has climbed 9a and harder ten times. At the end of May he managed another coup on the 5G wall not far from Las Vegas: the first ascent of Event Horizon (9b).

