As of today, we will present you yoga exercises at regular intervals, which are geared towards the needs of climbers. The exercises are presented by Petra Zink, yoga teacher and author.
A guest contribution by Petra Zink - yoga teacher and book author
In the first edition of the Yoga series for climbers we present you the exercise "horse". This classic exercise trains the abdominal and back muscles and mobilizes the spine.
This is how the exercise "horse" works
Get into the starting position of the quadruped. When performing the exercise, it is important to pull the navel towards the spine and maintain this tension when the dynamics are added.
Exercise info
Do three to five repetitions per side. On the last rep, hold the stretched position for two to three breaths. The child position serves as the end position.
Important: With chronic complaints of the wrists, for example tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, over-legs in the area of the wrists, you can support yourself with your fists.
Starting position: four-legged
1st position
2st position
3st position
End position: child posture
Book with yoga exercises for climbers
In the book "Yoga for climbers and mountaineers" introduces the yoga teacher, sports scientist and enthusiastic alpinist Petra Zink 54 selected yoga exercises that are dedicated to the stressed parts of the body of mountain athletes: wrists, shoulders, back, hips.
Readers from Germany and Austria can order the book here.
About Petra Zink
Petra Zink is a yoga teacher and sports scientist. She was a competitive athlete herself and has trained young athletes to Olympic champions. She is currently developing exercise and health concepts for tourism and business with a focus on yoga, health and mindfulness.
She lives out her great passion for the mountains with her husband in her adopted home of Carinthia and on trips through Europe and North America. The combination of yoga and mountain sports has increasingly developed into an attitude to life, she passes on her enthusiasm and knowledge in numerous workshops and yoga retreats (
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Pictures: Stefan Koechel