3 ultimate technique tips from Will Bosi | Climbing training

In recent years, Will Bosi has catapulted himself from a little-known climber to the climbing elite - in sport climbing and bouldering. In this video, he gives three tips on how to improve your climbing technique.

There are plenty of them who watch YouTube videos with tips for training and the technique of climbing. And with this attitude and a small spark of hope, we clicked on the following video - and were pleasantly surprised.

Will Bosi presents three techniques that he considers essential for climbing, including Egyptian (drop knee), heel hook and deadpoint climbing.

This is pretty much the most valuable technique I've learned in my career.

Will Bosi

In the video, he explains a technique for deadpoint climbing in particular that allows you to practice individual moves without actually having to do them or exerting any strength. And it is precisely this technique, which is particularly useful for bouldering, that is extremely interesting. But no more details will be revealed at this point.

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Credits: Cover picture Lattice training



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