Keyword: Petra Klingler

Petra Klingler and Jessica Pilz solve Olympic ticket

The Swiss Petra Klingler and the Austrian Jessica Pilz are already taking an Olympic ticket for Tokyo 2020 at the first opportunity.

Athletes Ask Athletes - An Interview Series With Professional Climbers

The exclusive interview series "Athletes ask Athletes" features professional and professional female climbers. The questions and answers are here.

Petra Klingler and Julien Clémence are Speed ​​Swiss Champions 2019

The fastest sport climbers in Switzerland have been chosen. Petra Klingler and Julien Clémence are Speed ​​Swiss Champions 2019.

The Swiss Sascha Lehmann celebrates his first World Cup victory in Villars before Heimpublikum

Swiss Sascha Lehmann and Slovenian Janja Garnbret win the first IFSC World Cup in the Lead discipline in Villars, Switzerland.

Petra Klingler and Marco Müller climb to the lead championship title

Petra Klingler is Swiss champion in lead climbing. In the men's victory went to Marco Müller. Zoé Egli and Michel Erni won in the category U18.

Petra Klingler and Sascha Lehmann are Boulder Swiss Champions 2019

Petra Klingler and Sascha Lehmann Boulder Swiss Champion 2019. In the category U18 Malin Locher and Marius Audenis won.

These five climbers sent Switzerland to the Olympia 2020 in Tokyo

Swiss Climbing has defined the Olympic pool Tokyo 2018 after the evaluation of the World Cup results and the World Cup season 2020. Petra Klingler, Anne-Sophie Koller, Sascha Lehmann, Dimitri Vogt and Baptiste Ometz are being specifically promoted and prepared for possible participation in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. The pool started at the end of 2017 with nine athletes and has been reduced to five during the past year.

Janja Garnbret is world champion in bouldering

Today the first world championship decisions in bouldering were made in Innsbruck's Olympiaworld. Janja Garnbret (SLO) won the very tough round and wrote with...

