Keyword: On sight climbing

Second 8c onsight ascent: Chaehyun Seo scores Fish Eye

Chaehyun Seo ends her trip to Spain with an onsight ascent of Fish Eye (8c). For the 21-year-old South Korean, this is already the second ascent after L'Antagonista (8c)...

His hardest onsight ascent in 2023: This is how Ondra climbs El Gran Bellanco (8c+/9a)

In November 2023, Adam Ondra managed the onsight ascent of the 8c+/9a route El Gran Bellanco. Now there is the video for the mega broadcast.

Adam Ondra climbs El Gran Bellanco (8c+/9a) onsight

Czech professional climber Adam Ondra scores the 8c+/9a route El Gran Bellanco onsight in Montanejos, Spain.

He came, saw and scored: Ondra's impressive Swiss ticklist

Adam Ondra managed the first ascent of a 9a+ route as well as further hard onsight ascents on a short trip to Switzerland.

Laura Rogora is the third woman to climb 8c onsight

The 22-year-old professional climber Laura Rogora manages the onsight ascent of an 8c route with Ajo Crudo as the third woman.

Seb Berthe risks, fights and is rewarded

The Belgian professional climber and big wall specialist manages his first 8c route onsight with Ajo Crudo.

Adam Ondra tries Esclatamasters (9a) onsight

The 9a climbing route Esclatamasters by Ramon Julian Puigblanque has a special meaning for Adam Ondra. He saved the line for a long time so that he could try an onsight ascent at the right moment. It happened recently.

Video: Adam Ondra in onsight mode

In his latest video, Czech climbing pro Adam Ondra reveals what has fascinated him about onsight climbing since childhood. Luckily for him, there are still sectors in the Arco climbing paradise that he doesn't know. In Braboletta (8b) and L'occhio Della Tigre (8a+) he can show that he is quite good at this form of climbing.

