Keyword: Nalle Hukkataival

This Boulder cracks Nalle Hukkataival in a day

Finn Nalle Hukkataival announces a hugely successful day on the rocks in the South African Rocklands. He manages to walk five lines (8a to...

Video about Nalle Hukkataival in the Rocklands

It's been almost exactly a year since the Rocklands were once again in the media spotlight. It was Nalle Hukkataival who made the first ascent...

Giuliano Cameroni and Nalle open Casavino in Brione

Giuliano Cameroni and Nalle Hukkataival open a new dream line in the Ticino bouldering area of ​​Brione: Casavino (8b +). Both of them can't rave anymore: "This boulder deserves...

Giuliano Cameroni and Nalle Hukkataival open Deal with the devil at Teufelsfels

A week ago we met Giuliano Cameroni and Nalle Hukkataival for an interview at a historical location: At the Teufelsstein in Göschenen. What back then...

Video: Nalle Hukkataival on a training course in Squamish

Nalle Hukkataival visited the Canadian bouldering area Squamish in September and ticked - as so often - some hard boulders. Among other things, he succeeded in...

Finally: Video about Nalle's inspection of The Finnish Line (8c)

In June 2017, the Finn Nalle Hukkataival managed to climb the hardest boulder in the Rocklands: The Finnish Line (8c). Now there is finally...

Nalle Hukkataival cracks Khoi Khoi (8c) by James Webb

Nalle Hukkataival developed new sectors and opened Boulder in the Rocklands (South Africa) for around three months. From this hard work he has...

Ned Feehally flashes 8b + in the Rocklands

We're sorry that we write about the Rocklands so often. At the moment almost all strong boulderers are in South Africa....

