In January 2015, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson caused a global media frenzy. They embarked on one of the most difficult multi-pitch tours in the world: The Dawn Wall...
In February 2017, the American Margo Hayes wrote climbing history by inspecting the route La Rambla (9a +). She was the first woman in the world to score...
In February, Nils Favre from western Switzerland was drawn to the bouldering area of Joe's Valley in Utah, USA. The result is not only a respectable ticklist, but also...
It's one of the toughest races in ski mountaineering: The Patrouille des Glaciers. Frédéric Favre accompanied three participants for a year and a half. The result is an intimate...
In March, Nalle Hukkataival spent several weeks in the bouldering paradise of Fontainebleau. His biggest project during the stay was the inspection of the most difficult course in...