Video: Climbing community with a united voice against the Ukraine war

In the following video from Actiontalk TV, professional climbers from all over the world speak out about the war in Ukraine. The statements underline that the climbing community is characterized by an international connection that knows no borders.

"Guys, don't be silent, don't be afraid. If it doesn't change anything about the situation, it will at least save your honor and your reputation.” With statements like these, a top Russian climber called for voices to be raised against the war in Ukraine at the beginning of the week.

Considering that the aforementioned athlete lives in a country that locks away scores of uncomfortable and anti-government people, his appeal shows a courage that is second to none.

In times when wars are always accompanied by massive disinformation campaigns, it seemed important to us to unite the voices of the climbing community and show: Nobody wants this war.

Video: This is what professional climbers from all over the world think about the war in Ukraine

Actions instead of words: this is how you can help

If you would like to do more than express your solidarity with the people affected in Ukraine verbally or in writing, the following non-exhaustive list may help:

  • Taking in Ukrainian refugees: Those interested can apply to the List of the NGO Campax and indicate how many people they can accommodate
  • Donate money: Collect for people in need Caritas Switzerlandthe lucky chainSwiss Red Cross or  Save the Children. Caritas, the Red Cross and Save the Children are also active in Germany and Austria!
  • Donate clothes, blankets, hygiene items or diapers: association "Help us". Collection point: Saturday from 24 a.m. to 8115 p.m. in Hüttikon. By post: Help us, Zürcherstrasse XNUMX, XNUMX Hüttikon.
  • The Ukrainian embassy in Bern collects medical supplies for the people of Ukraine, such as mobile defibrillators, sterile gloves, surgical instruments, painkillers and first-aid kits. The material can be brought to the embassy in Bern from Monday to Friday from 16 to 19 p.m. Advance registration and further information at [email protected]
  • The two Ukrainian climbing professionals communicate numerous possibilities for help Illya Bakhmet-Smolensky and Jenya Kazbekova as well as numerous other climbers on their respective Instagram profiles.

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