An accident occurred on the Finsteraarhorn on Friday, April 9, 2021. A mountain guide aspirant and his guest were killed in a fall.
On Friday morning two rope teams - a mountain guide with two guests and a mountain guide aspirant with one guest - climbed the Finsteraarhorn.
The accident occurred around 12:45 p.m. in the area of the Hugisattel (4 m above sea level). For reasons that have not yet been clarified, the two-man ropes fell on the descent from the Finsteraarhorn. As a result, the aspirant mountain guide and his guest fell around 088 meters over rocks and a snowfield.
This is where the accident happened
Third parties who had observed the accident alerted the rescue workers. On site, the emergency services could only determine the death of the two men.
The mountain guide aspirant who died in the accident is a 24-year-old Swiss resident in the canton of Vaud. The second victim is a 55-year-old Swiss resident in the Bernese Jura.
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Credits: Cover picture CC BY-SA 3.0 flyout, Text Valais canton police