Nils Favre has spent the year on blocks rather than on the rope (LACRUX reported). Today we received the news that he was the 9a classic Amazon succeeded at Saint Triphon.
The route Amazon is a short and boulder-heavy line in a relatively old quarry near Monthey. The route was a long-term project by François Nicole, Fred Nicole's brother. François managed to get through in 2009. Since then, the line has not been repeated - until yesterday. Nils Favre has already been on the route a few times and did the second ascent last weekend. "There is three sections on the route which different style, first (hardest for me) section is hard on small sharp crimp, the second is the big horizontal jump of the video and the last one includes small crimps and hard body position with bad heel hook! “, Nils comments on the style of the route.
Nils Favre in the Dynamo of Amazonie
Credits: Picture Nils Favre