Alexander Rohr scores Jungfrau Marathon (9a)

Alexander Rohr climbs two 9a routes in one year. Now he wants to be the first Swiss to pass an 9b.

Alex Rohr is just 23 years old and is one of the best Swiss climbers. On Monday, 14. October 2019, he has the 9a route in the Bernese Gimmelwald Jungfrau Marathon climbed at a rapid pace - already his second 9a route this year.

The young sport climber Alex tube has used one of the last possible time windows this year to go to 14. October 2019 to score one of the most difficult 9a routes in Switzerland. The route Jungfrau Marathon in gimmelwald is very overhanging, about 20 meters long and because of missing resting points a pretty persevering hammer.

The Bern climber Alexander Rohr.

“For me, the greatest motivation is to constantly grow with the challenges I have set myself. I learned that not only intensive training and the gift of a healthy body, but also mental strength are decisive. It's a constant process of working on yourself, reflecting on yourself and being 100% focused on your goals. "

Alex Rohr on the celebration of Jungfrau Marathon

Gimmelwald in the Bernese Oberland is a magical attraction for many climbers and climbers. Adam Ondra, currently the best sport climber in the world, said on his last visit in June 2018: "Gimmelwald is one of the most aesthetic places I have climbed."

Alexander Rohr travels to Flatanger

Rohr left in early summer Norway, The goal was the strongly overhanging 30a, which was around 9 meters long illusionist to climb in Flatanger. But the weather and the conditions did not play along. The weeks of waiting brought Rohr mentally to its limits. He traveled back to Switzerland, has intensified his training and is - mentally stronger than ever - back in August Flatanger traveled. On site, he was finally at his second attempt a weather time window of only 4 days available. In order to even climb this technically and physically demanding route later this year, he had to bring his performance to the point.

“The route demands everything from you right from the start. It pushes you physically to the limit, as the first 20 moves in a row are technically extremely demanding and you never have the opportunity to rest even a muscle for a short time. "

Alex tube

With the successful passage of this route (LACRUX reported), the Berner has gained a foothold on an international level and has made a name for himself in the world of sports climbing worldwide.

Alexander Rohr in Gimmelwald

Rohr is one of the few Swiss ever to climb so many 9a routes (9 routes of this degree). Having re-boarded an 9a route two weeks ago Alex tube impressively proved that he is physically, technically and mentally ready for the next step. As the first Swiss and one of the few in the world, he wants to cross an 9b this winter in Spain.

Further 9a inspections in Gimmelwald

The sports climbing area gimmelwald was not only heavily visited in the past few weeks, but their routes often dotted. In addition to the inspection by Alexander Rohr, the French-speaking Swiss also got Katherine Choong the red dot in Jungfrau Marathon, It was the second route in this degree for the young athlete (LACRUX reported). Another 9a route in Gimmelwald, Alpenbitterscored the 25-year-old Zurich Obed Hardmeier on October 21, 2019. “I've never seen so much wind in gimmelwald and I am very happy to have achieved my main goal of the year ”, so Obed on the successful commission of Alpine bitter.

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Credits: Text Andrea Roch, footage Alexander tube



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