Ned Feehally flashes 8b + in the Rocklands

We're sorry we write about the Rocklands so often. At the moment almost all strong boulderers are in South Africa. The latest news comes from the British boulderer Ned Feehally: He succeeds in the flash ascent of Trust Issues (8b +) in the newly developed sector The realm.

Like so many boulders in the new sector The Realm, this line was also developed by Nalle Hukkataival. A few days ago the Briton Ned Feehally got the inspection of Trust Issues (8b +) - and not just any. No, he does the "flash" boulder! Only a few have made a flash ascent of a boulder of this level so far: Daniel Woods with the Murgtal classic Entlinge (2011), Adam Ondra with Jade in the Rocky Mountain National Park (2015) and James Webb with The Globalist in Finland (2016).

Ned Feehally's dream of the 8b flash

Ned Feehally has set himself the goal of climbing a 8b-Boulder flash some time ago. For the commission of Trust Issues says Ned with a wink: “Unfortunately it didn't work out with an 8b. But now with an 8b +. "

Ned Feehally Climbs Trust Issues in the Rocklands - South Africa
Ned Feehally climbing Trust Issues in the Rocklands - South Africa

Alexander Megos and Shauna Coxsey take off their hats

Ned was assisted by the well-known faces of the boulder scene. Alexander Megos. and Dave Graham helped with information about Boulder and scoffing while Shauna Coxsey captured the event photographically. All together take off their hats to the British performance. "That was very impressive to watch! That fella knows how to use these heels and how to lock down to his hips, ”said Alexander Megos about the ascent.

Not only Ned Feehally makes headlines

As we said at the beginning, we are sorry that we would write about the Rocklands so often. Anyone who wants to read what happened in the past few days can do it here do. One of the articles is about the second ascent of the heaviest boulder in the Rocklands by Alexander Megos.

Alexander Megos climbs The Finnish Line in 5 days

Credits: picture Shauna Coxsey



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