Jakob Schubert flashes 8c-Boulder Catalan Witness the Fitness

As if the past days on the rope were not good enough, Jakob Schubert climbs the 8c-Boulder Catalan Witness the Fitness flash.

Jakob's ticklist after his trip to Spain is definitely worth seeing. A first highlight was the inspection of Stoking the Fire (9b) - LACRUX reported, A few days later followed Catxasa (9a +) and probably the first repeat of the 9a route Mercenaris del Passat, In Mercenaris del Passat, Jacob broke a Sika handle as he clipped the stall. Already in Stoking the Fire Jacob brought a handle. Maybe the Austrian just has too much power? If you look at his recent visit, then this assumption could be confirmed: He climbed the first by Chris Sharma 8c Boulder flash.

Jakob Schubert evaluates the boulder

About the Flash Commando of the Boulder in the Cova de l'Ocell near Barcelona, ​​Jakob is understandably happy, but puts it into perspective with a comment on the level of difficulty: "As nice as a 8c flash sounds, I can't agree, I guess it is more like low end 8b +", Jakob says about Catalan Witness the Fitness (CWTF). The ultra-heavy and long roof boulder was on the 4. December 2015 first by Chris Sharma. To the degree of difficulty Sharma said then, CWTF connect a section in the area 8b / + with a 8a + Boulder and whatever that means, he looks forward to repeaters and their opinion.

Video about the ascent of Chris Sharma

Credits: Cover picture Sebastian Rodriguez in the same boulder the same day


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