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Warm up quickly and effectively for climbing – this is how it works

In this video you will learn which exercises you can use to warm up quickly and effectively for climbing.

13 yoga poses to warm up for rock climbing

Yoga is great for warming up before bouldering or climbing and keeps your body flexible. Transian and yoga teacher Adrian has put together a few simple asanas (yoga exercises) that help mobilize your body, restore mobility and help relax tense muscles.

Warm up properly before climbing - tips from Gimme Kraft

We have already presented you with some training tips and ideas for your warm-up program. Here are tips from Dicki Korb and Patrick Matros, the coaches of...

These yoga exercises will help you warm up

In this video, the British yoga teacher Eithne Kane shows you which exercises you can use to warm up before climbing. You can find the right yoga mat in the...

Common trail running injuries and how to prevent them

In this article, you will learn about common injuries when trail running and what you can do about them.

Neox: The Petzl belay device put to the test

Neox: We tested the new Petzl belay device for you and were more than impressed with the rope handling.

James Pearson: “That was my craziest highball”

Hard at the limit: James Pearson repeats the infamous highball 29 dots and comes shockingly close to the limit.

Pro tips: Climb ledges better

Climb ledges better: Learn how to build finger strength and how to transfer it effectively to the wall.

